Facts about ESGE

Here You will find the infor­ma­tion you need to fly to Borås Airport.
Ple­a­se also visit Weat­her and Rou­te plan­ning.

Lati­tu­de / Longitude:
57.695599 / 12.842800
57 41.735916 N / 12 50.568008 E
N 57°41’44 / E 012°50’34
57414400N, 012504200E

Borås Air­port has air radi­o­fre­quen­cy 123,525 MHz.
The air­port has no sche­du­led crew, but take-off and land­ning is pos­sib­le by blind trans­mis­sion on the fre­quen­cy during the times spe­ci­fi­ed below.

Asphalt run­way: 800 x 18 m, (2442 x 55 ft) 04L / 22R.
Tax­i­ways: A, B, C. Instruc­tion and pro­ce­du­res for the tax­i­way system at Borås air­port is avai­lab­le for down­lo­ad here (See Loka­la Säker­hets­reg­ler pro­ce­du­rer och fra­se­o­lo­gi för Borås Flyg­plats).
Grass strip: 800 x 50 m, (2442 x 153 ft) 04R / 22L
Refe­rence code 1A.
Low-inten­si­ty run­way ligh­ting at the run­way, PCL by trans­mit­ting car­ri­er wave at 123,525 MHz for 10 sec.
Alti­tu­de: 179 m / 588 ft MSL

AD Ope­ra­ting hours 
Flight may take place:
— Monday–Thursday 0700–2200 (LT)
— Fri­day 0700–2000 (LT)
— Saturday–Sunday and pub­lic holi­days during September–May 0800–2000 (LT)
— Saturday–Sunday and pub­lic holi­days during June–August 0800–1800 (LT)

Fly­ing acti­vi­ty are NOT allo­wed during:
— Good Fri­day, Eas­ter Eve
— Whit­sun Eve, Whitsunday
— Mid­sum­mer Eve
— The first con­nec­ted Saturday–Sunday in July
— Christ­mas Eve, Christ­mas Day, Day after Christ­mas Day

Repe­a­ted touch and go landings, TGL, are not allo­wed for visi­ting aircraft or helicopters.

PPR (Pri­or Per­mis­sion Requi­red) during Novem­ber 15th – April 15th due to irre­gu­lar snow clea­ran­ce and vary­ing run­way condition.

Appro­ach and takeoff
Traf­fic cir­cuit alti­tu­de 1600 ft MSL.
Avo­id over­f­light of noi­se-sen­si­ti­ve are­as SW and NE the air­port (in the lon­gi­tu­di­nal direc­tion of the run­ways). See mar­kings at the air­port map and the appro­ach pla­te from Svens­ka Flygfält.
At take-off RWY 22, turn left to cour­se 180° as soon as pos­sib­le, to avo­id over­f­light av of noi­se-sen­si­ti­ve buildings.
For gli­ders right hand traf­fic cir­cuit to grass strip 04R.
The grass strip is soft at precipitation.
Radio mast 1412 ft and 2107 ft MSL, 7 NM (13 km) bea­ring 76° from the airfield.

Landing fees
Cur­rent­ly no land­ning fee is char­ged from visi­ting aircraft.

At the air­port the­re are often lively avi­a­tion activities.
Par­king for visi­ting aircraft, see the air­port map.